The Sad Tale of Taxesoarus Rex

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/06/23

The following arrived in our mailbox this week - I wish I could give credit to the writer, but it came anonymously.

Taxesoarus Rex is the manmade heartless monster created in government labs (parliament, legislature, council chambers, etc.). As the favored in-house pet, Taxesoarus lives in bureaucracies and is put out to pasture in healthy societies which it ravages and destroys by consuming almost everything it can discover if left unchecked. Taxesoarus especially likes to consume healthy productive organisms.

Taxesoarus Rex thrives equally well in light or darkness and roams for prey everywhere, day and night. Exempt from its voracious appetite are its masters, their friends and their associates, for whom it hunts its prey mercilessly and who thus seldom act to curb its gluttonous appetite and habits.

Taxesoarus will destroy anywhere it is left to pasture unguarded. Taxesoarus thrives like a parasite, grows like a hydra, and mutates likes a vampire. Any attempts to kill it often results in creative mutations.

Other allied monsters which consort with Taxesoarus are Develochops, which seek to devour any green space it can find - the nearer to people, the better; and Densitromponus, which likes to build its numerous habitats (it never seems to have enough or live in any one for every long) on top of green space which Develochops has ravaged, or on small habitations whose occupants can little resist it.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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